Friday, February 28, 2020

Describe B2B market opportunities for Belvita Breakfast Biscuits( Essay

Describe B2B market opportunities for Belvita Breakfast Biscuits( Offer examples) - Essay Example Belvita Breakfast biscuit has great potential for B2B marketing because of the areas of the product use. Being a food product, it can be consumed by organizations as part of the meals or snacks provided by the company, which includes snacks for promotional campaigns (Preston 112). For instance, a fast food restaurant can use the biscuits to promote the purchase of drinks or tea by offering free biscuits on every purchase of a drink. In such situations, the fast food restaurant offers business to business platform for product purchase and promotion. In order to be effective, Belvita Biscuits can market the product to fast food restaurants such as McDonald and other established organizations. These organizations will be using the products to achieve their organizational goals of selling high volumes of food stuff. There are other business targeting children such as childrens stories for candy, and toys. These businesses can also employ the promotional approach can be employed by the fa st food joints. However, these businesses may not be dealing with foodstuff leading to the creation of seasonal promotions and marketing campaigns. Regardless of the focus, the main role in the purchase of the biscuit is to encourage the consumers to purchase from the various organizations. In addition, there are other organizations that do not deal with food stuff, but purchase for organization consumption. The consumption it to ensure that employee welfare is catered for. Such organization includes banks, electronic businesses and Software Company. Their purchases are basically for organization consumption and not for sale. The product of a variety of biscuits ensures that the purchase organization can provide the employees with a variety of biscuit products. The purchase for consumption has a goal of improving human resource effectiveness and reduces the time

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

International Strategic Supply Management Term Paper

International Strategic Supply Management - Term Paper Example It is the responsibility of the Management to encourage all positive activities by individuals that leads to the attainment of the organizational goals and discourage all negative activities that proves to hinder the attainment of the organizational goals. All managers must have a single minded focus on attainment of the organizational goals. The strategic management process means setting the strategy for the organization. It can also be defined as the process by which managers make a set of strategies that will enable the organization to perform better, leads towards goal accomplishment and attain distinctive competitive advantage over the competitors. Strategic management is the on going process that evaluates the business, market and industries in which the organization is involved, evaluates its competitors, and then set goals to meet all the present and future competitor’s and then re-evaluate each strategy made. organization culture, organization image, type of business, Organizational structure, Key staff, Access to natural resources, Operational efficiency, Operational capacity, competitors, Market share, Financial resources etc plays a great role in setting organization’s strategic management process. Financial market is a place which allows buying and selling activities, there are many manufacturers and consumers available in the market. There are many products available of same type hence that raises competition in the market. The organization must set strategies that will enable them to attain distinctive competitive advantage over their competitors. Organization must realize that in today’s world innovation is the key. As all the producers are constantly trying to get an edge over the other producers in market. The organization must have the best knowledge about the market before setting their Strategic